Music Blog iti pune la dispozitie cele mai noi stiri din muzica, coveruri, versuri, videoclipuri noi, melodii noi, biografii, albume noi, muzica noua si multe altele [...]

Cred ca mai totata lumea a auzit noua melodie a lui Michel Teló, "Ai se eu te pego" care se pare ca face senzatie pe internet de cateva saptamani, eu zic ca era si greu sa nu auzi piesa asta pentru ca [...]

Tocmai ce am ascultat noul album semnat DOC - "Lucrare de control", mi-a placut asa mult incat am zis sa il pun si aici pentru cei ce vor sa il asculte. Eu spun ca este un album ce merita ascultat, o [...]

Woodkid - Iron un videoclip foarte bine realizat din punctul meu de vedere, de aceea l-am si postat aici. Voi ce parere aveti [...]

Este vorba despre noul mixtape semnat Nane. Mixtape-ul are 24 de piese care sunt mixate de Dj Undoo. Printre invitati îi găsim pe: Hashoo, Bad News Brown, Drei Ros, Zhao, DJ Undoo și Doddy. Mi jos găsiti [...]

Stiri din muzica - Music Blog Michel Telo - Ai se eu te pego DOC – Lucrare de control (Download) Woodkid - Iron (Videoclip) NANE – MOTIVATIE (Download)

Lady Gaga - Marry The Night (Versuri)

I'm gonna marry the night
I won't give up on my life
I'm a warrior queen
live passionetly tonight

I'm gonna marry the dark
gonna make love to the stock
I'm a soldier to my own emptiness
I'm a winner

I'm gonna marry the night
I'm gonna marry the night
I'm gonna marry the night

I'm gonna marry the night
I'm not gonna cry anymore
I'm gonna marry the night
leave nothing on the streets to explore

Marry the night
Marry the night
Marry the night

I'm gonna lace up my boots
throw on some leather and cruise
down the streets that I love
with my fishnet gloves
I'm a sinner

The I'll go down to the bar
I won't cry anymore
I'll hold my whisky up high
kiss the bartender twice
I'm a loser

I'm gonna marry the night
I'm gonna marry the night

I'm gonna marry the night
I'm not gonna cry anymore
I'm gonna marry the night
leave nothing on the streets to explore

Marry the night
Marry the night

Nothing is too cool
to take me from you
New York is not just a talent you never knew
love is the new denim of life
skeleton guns and wedding bells in the alley

I'll put holes in my heels
'cause that's where we'll make love

C'mon and run
turn around and run!

I'm gonna marry the night

I'm gonna marry the night
leave nothing on the streets to explore

Marry the night
Marry the night
Marry the night

I'm gonna marry
I'm gonna marry
I'm gonna marry
I'm gonna marry

C'mon, the night, the night
C'mon, the night, the night
C'mon, the night, the night
C'mon, the night, the night

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